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1 Mile...1 million cats....1 unique you!


You can help me raise awareness about suicides and hate crimes that take place each and every day...locally, nationwide and around the globe...we can work together to try and prevent such tragedies.....and we can do these things all while having a fabulous time!  


So put on those cat ears, paws and tails and join us for the Million Cat March!  Tell your story through creating a sign!  Let the world know your presence regardless of Gentrification, Discrimination and Hatred.  


Let's show our support so that those who may be hiding their depression and sadness will come forth and know they are not alone.  There are countless stories about Gay Youth Suicides, Teenage Transgender Suicide Stories, Suicides Caused by Racial and Ethnic Bullying, and even the Suicide Stories of Well-Known Celebrities.  These are all very good reasons to take this journey.


For me, this Mile will be a conduit to a dream and much hope for an even greater journey that lies ahead.  Part of this is my submitting an application to the San Francisco Grand Ducal Council to begin my pre-campaign to become the next Aspirant.  My whole heart and soul is going into this and I hope that you will support me in this journey.  


This is the season of "The King of the Jungle Leo"!  A celebration of cats and all domesticated creatures and those that are free to be wild!  May we embody the same spirit and raw personality of animals!


On August 12. 2017 at 3:30 PM, the Million Cat March will begin at the San Francisco LGBTQ Community Center and from there,  we will prowl the streets together and we will come out of hiding and be in full display of ourselves , being as regal as the animal kingdom.  







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